
“Let's not panic. It’s not the Russians who are advancing, it’s just the Ukrainians retreating,” Borrell pic.twitter.com/AUx7jNiZY4
— Black Diamond (@blackdiammon) May 12, 2024

🇷🇺 Who is the new Russian defense minister?
— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) May 12, 2024
-> Brutally honest manufacturing focused guy!
Example, he gives honest assessment on drone Russian production. (Older video) The defense minister is there to manage the MIC essentially.
Shoigu mostly checked on factories, remember? https://t.co/sjFvrwo0kP pic.twitter.com/5MGOGQiXx7
🇷🇺 Putin replacing Shoigu by civilian economist Andrei Belousov after 27 months of war for Minister of Defense means that the military critical time is over.
— Megatron (@Megatron_ron) May 13, 2024
Russia destroyed most of Ukraine's military logistics, most of all the weapons they received from NATO and eliminated… pic.twitter.com/6BeEfAwqux
A New Revolution in Military Affairs
— Scott Ritter (@RealScottRitter) May 14, 2024
The appointment by Russian President Vladimir Putin of Andrei Belousov goes beyond simply trying to bring economic structure and discipline to an expansive and expanding military industrial base.
True, the rapid growth of Russian defense…
Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson, in an interview with US TV host and blogger Andrew Napolitano, stated that the primary US interest in Ukraine is child trafficking.
— Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) May 13, 2024
He added that Western countries will persist in investing in Ukraine due to their interest in the trafficking of… pic.twitter.com/vFk9QaW7Km
Gaza/Israel/Naher Osten
JUST IN: 🇺🇸 🇮🇷 United States Senator Lindsey Graham suggests dropping nuclear bombs on Iran and Palestine to defend Israel. pic.twitter.com/dZmnfE3zNZ
— BRICS News (@BRICSinfo) May 12, 2024

🇮🇱🇺🇸 It's literally right in front of your eyes, yet some people still don't understand who makes America's foreign policy decisions.
— Censored Men (@CensoredMen) May 12, 2024
🇨🇳🇷🇺 The Russia and China build a new world order!
— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) May 16, 2024
– the new order should rely on the democratic principle and be facilitated by the UN
– international institutions should be “de-polarized”, hence not be pro western
– the new order should coincided the new realities,… pic.twitter.com/WwA6gvRzXf
🇨🇳🇷🇺 Vladimir Putin:
— Megatron (@Megatron_ron) May 16, 2024
"90% of all trade between China and Russia is conducted in Ruble or Yuan after ditching the US Dollar"
*Many other countries will gradually join this new system of operation.
Many dollars in the world will become "surplus".
Inflation will be brutal… pic.twitter.com/BQIvrTZmsT
Wow, quite a speech by Viktor Orbán pic.twitter.com/YuAplOmsRs
— Arnaud Bertrand (@RnaudBertrand) May 10, 2024
"Now we are living in a multipolar world order, and one of the pillars of this new world order is the People’s Republic of China. The country that is now setting the course of the world economy and world politics.…
This photo from China purports to show an American Patriot system that is being carried transported to a factory for analysis and re-engineering.
— Alternative News (@AlternatNews) May 14, 2024
It is suspected, that the Patriot unit was sold to Russia by the people operating it.
This has always been one of the great fears. pic.twitter.com/RejJky5R4h

"Sie schmeißen wir als Erste raus" – Dänischer Kandidat gibt von der Leyen Versprechen
— Le Legionär 🇷🇺 🫶 🇩🇪 (@LeLegionar) May 10, 2024
Am 29. April veranstaltete die US-amerikanische Tageszeitung Politico die "Maastricht-Debatte 2024".
Dort konnten sich die Kandidaten für das Amt des EU-Kommissionspräsidenten vorstellen,… pic.twitter.com/6pAXwj4iqj
The name “Nazi” is a fusion of two words:
— Brandon Taylor Moore (@LetsGoBrando45) May 15, 2024
Hitler couldn’t get his National Socialist party off the ground, so he forged a partnership with Zionists because their interests were aligned. The Haavara agreement provides absolute proof.
Why don’t they… pic.twitter.com/wFlGjSlzMC
Hitler partnered with the Zionists (Rothschilds) – Without question. ✅
— Brandon Taylor Moore (@LetsGoBrando45) May 10, 2024
Their interests were aligned – Zionist (Jewish nationalist) wanted their own country, and Hitler wanted them out of his.
They worked together.
The vast majority of the German jews considered themselves… https://t.co/VlJAPd7iXm
USA/Unipolare Welt/UK
The only country on Earth that ever used Nuclear Weapons in War is telling you Russia and China are the threat.
— Chay Bowes (@BowesChay) May 13, 2024
The country that's killed millions of innocent civilians since WW2 in dozens of overt and covert Wars of profit and domination.
The country whose secret services… pic.twitter.com/9LzHsYM4d0
Intercepting Russian Nukes? pic.twitter.com/xY04yJQMJm
— Zlatti71 (@Zlatti_71) May 9, 2024
