Posted on 3. May 20243. May 2024 by MMMNetzfund 18/24 Ukraine/Russland Ep. 99 Aleksandr Dugin is the most famous political philosopher in Russia. His ideas are considered so dangerous, the Ukrainian government murdered his daughter and Amazon won’t sell his books. We talked to him in Moscow.— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) April 29, 2024 Dear US and EU taxpayers. Here's your money. Hundreds of Billions of It was spent in one of the most corrupt countries on earth and led to the deaths of close to 500,000 Ukrainians and advancing Russians. The US just sent another $61 billion. The results will be the same.— Chay Bowes (@BowesChay) April 26, 2024 Geopolitik Europa Afrika USA/Unipolare Welt/UK By popular demand, I'm writing a listicle – my top ten US military acquisition disasters of the 21st century.It's a little distressing that I have so much material to work with.⬇️— Armchair Warlord (@ArmchairW) May 2, 2024 Medien Hier geht es zu unserem Telegram-Kanal