Posted on 15. March 202415. March 2024 by MMMNetzfund 11/24 Ukraine/Russland On the “peace formula” by Kiev nazi, Swiss “peace conferences”, and the real basis for talksWhen I hear the phrase “zelensky’s peace formula”, I get an overpowering feeling of disgust that soon turns into shame about the bad surrealism of what is happening. It is perfectly…— Dmitry Medvedev (@MedvedevRussiaE) March 14, 2024 European telegram channels in response to Macron’s unfortunate remarks about sending troops to Ukraine , posted specifications of Sarmat missile, saying:” If we want to play with fire, we must know what we are dealing with”. One “Sarmat" missile is enough to make the entire…— Vladi 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 (@joiedevivre789) March 12, 2024 💢Oft fragen Leser in den Kommentaren wie die NATO-Waffenlieferungen in die Ukraine hineinkommen, warum🇷🇺 sie nicht direkt nach der Grenze angreift?Die Antwort im Video: Sie werden in Zivilfahrzeugen versteckt und damit die Haager Landkriegsordnung + Genfer Konventionen…— Walde Pascal (@Pfeffer7373) March 9, 2024 Da schau her.#Blackrock, die international tätige US-amerikanische Investmentgesellschaft mit Sitz in New York City und gleichsam der weltgrößte Vermögensverwalter, hat einen Auftrag über eine halbe Billion Dollar erhalten, um die #Ukraine nach dem Krieg mit #Russland "wieder…— ✍ Klartext aus Muc 💻 🤳 (@e_munich) March 9, 2024 "Die Ukraine ist kein Mitglied der Europäischen Union, hat aber in zwei Jahren über Euro von der Europäischen Union erhalten. Millionen ukrainischer Bürger leben jetzt in der EU, ohne die Absicht, zurückzukehren, was die Mitgliedstaaten Milliarden kostet.Die…— Max Otte (@maxotte_says) March 9, 2024 American tank does not perform in Ukraine. A US-supplied M1 Abrams tank was recently destroyed in Ukraine by a single shot from Russia’s T-72B3 tank. It was the third Abrams to burn. An expert explained that “it’s necessary to hit the Abrams’ area between the turret and…— Make Peace Now; alternative news (@AlternatNews) March 8, 2024 🇷🇺VLADIMIR PUTIN:"You know, if you are not joking, in North America, in the States, in Europe, many people, serious, literate, profound people believe that to a large extent the well-being of these countries is based on the exploitation of other people.Today's prosperity is…— Sony Thang (@nxt888) March 8, 2024 🇷🇺VLADIMIR PUTIN:"The United States is a big and unique country in its own way. It took the people of America only 300 years to turn it into a superpower; this is a relatively short period, by our standards. This is an obvious fact.We also know outstanding American…— Sony Thang (@nxt888) March 8, 2024 Gaza/Israel/Naher Osten USA/Unipolare Welt/UK Europa Medien Hier geht es zu unserem Telegram-Kanal