
🇬🇧🇮🇱 A British TV show mocking Israel 30 years ago. pic.twitter.com/SrASaSMxlL
— Censored Men (@CensoredMen) November 13, 2023

Auf der #BPK erklärte #Bundesregierung, dass sie die Höhe der UN-Zahlen zu 🇵🇸Todeszahlen (+4.000 Kinder, +2700 Frauen) in #Gaza in Zweifel zieht. Ich wollte daraufhin wissen, ob das auch für die UN-Angaben (Stand 9.11.) zu getöteten Journalisten (47)& 🇺🇳Mitarbeitern (99) gilt…… pic.twitter.com/Sge3hjFQZ0
— Florian Warweg (@FWarweg) November 11, 2023

When a non-Westerner leaves a – bombed – hospital with his children in plastic bags, ALL Western "values" have been left under the rubble. pic.twitter.com/55UIjpUQOZ
— Pepe Escobar (@RealPepeEscobar) November 11, 2023
Erdogan, Zakharova and Israel
— Victor vicktop55 (@vicktop55) November 11, 2023
“Now 11 thousand children and women have been killed, the world is silent. First of all, because the USA and the West are silent.”
Maria Zakharova, Russian Foreign Ministry:
"Recep, you too remained silent when the West, through Kyiv,… pic.twitter.com/dUYLNzN4IK
Da fehlende Minderheitenrechte für Russen in der Ukraine einem EU-Beitritt eigentlich im Weg stehen würden, hat Kiew nun erklärt: „In der Ukraine gibt es keine🇷🇺Minderheit. Es gibt nur Ukrainer, von denen einige Russisch sprechen.“ Und Brüssel? Stimmt zu:🤮https://t.co/LlKPNN2xEl
— Zentrale Ermittlungsstelle (@ZentraleV) November 11, 2023

CIA director Burns travels to Ukraine on Wednesday to tell Zelenskyy that his time is up. Burns is tasked with ‘freezing’ the proxy war because of Biden’s poor poll numbers in the US.
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) November 13, 2023
Good luck to Zelenskyy if he refuses the severance package that Burns will present to him.
Russia is preparing for a long war.
— Victor vicktop55 (@vicktop55) November 15, 2023
A new school course is being introduced in Russian schools: “Fundamentals of Security and Defense of the Motherland,” which involves studying the basics of combined arms combat and the use of UAVs, according to the draft document with the… pic.twitter.com/DTeQUFZgPd

This site contains all the names and info found in Epstein's infamous "little black book". A list of 1971 names and contact details. Together with the flight manifests of his private jet, the black book is an invaluable primary source of Epstein's network. https://t.co/WzYnK1YiPc
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) November 11, 2023
