Posted on 27. October 2023 by MMMNetzfund Woche 43 Despite western propaganda and support from the corrupt hypocrites who run the ‘rules based international order’ Israel is losing globally because decades of abuse against the Palestinians have not gone unnoticed. The potential for escalation is evident.— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) October 23, 2023 Ukraine Urteil im #Maidan-Massakerverfahren vom 18.10. kommt zum „kategorischen Schluss“, dass Sniper vom durch Maidan-Kräfte kontrollierten Hotel Ukraina aus feuerten. Ebenso widerlegt Urteil vorherig zirkulierende Behauptung, dass 🇷🇺Scharfschützen anwesend waren. Mal schauen, ob Urteil…— Florian Warweg (@FWarweg) October 27, 2023 Military expert Vladislav Shurygin: The Pentagon has become sharply concerned about the suddenly increased effectiveness of the Russian Aerospace Forces. In two weeks, the Russians staged a real massacre in the Ukrainian sky. The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost at least 10 of…— Victor vicktop55 (@vicktop55) October 24, 2023 Allgemein Hier geht es zu unserem Telegram-Kanal